While networks are still small and in exploration let’s build towards a scalable mycelium type network where collaboration occurs organically and serendipitously. A culture that resembles nature’s symbiotic capacity where each person and project enables greater value for all. It is as much about your individual output as it is the extent to which the ImpactDAO enabled others to achieve better outcomes.

The Spirit of Collaboration in web3

DAOs operating in siloes, wheels are reinvented and knowledge is not effectively shared, people are not aware of the positive work achieved.

Impact-Knowledge Graphs enables collaborations, stacking ImpactDAO infrastructure, and attracting the right talent where each skill is most needed and work can be aligned with each person’s passion. Impact Cartographers enable these collaborations to occur and bring a humane layer


  1. Map the Ecosystem

    1. Identify current projects in the ecosystem + Measure Impact of these organizations

    2. MVP → needs to add Impact measurements + new orgs I have come across by EOW

      Scaling our Collective Ability

      A walkthrough across ImpactDAOs

  2. Help Write the Book!!

    1. Identify most effective web3 primitives + research on how to improve these or experiment with new ones + share the impact web3 is enabling!
  3. Act

    1. Enable collaborations across the system (eg. with Prime token swaps)
    2. MVP → Make 5 official collaborations by mid of March
  4. Build software + tools to showcase these knowledge graphs

  5. Invert the impact measurement incentives

(Also improve on this first proposal and fundraise)

Actually, the ideas for this might be updated. What if we start with the first principles research first: What are the key areas where blockchain can actually create a massive difference for high impact areas, who are doing so or who are in the position to do so and just need the web3 knowledge to apply it. It could incubate high impact ideas and exit them to the ecosystem or put them out there for people to create their QF grant proposal and the community to support, then we do the coalition for a super strong, values align and collaborative ecosystem powered by the impact cartographer ideas.

Why measure impact?

But is there more to that?  This data needs to be actionable,